DNS server unavailable error and how to fix it
DNS server unavailable error: In this topic, we will help you fix all
the problems you will face and discuss all DNS server errors.
DNS server unavailable error
Have you had a problem connecting to the Internet, and you see a message
that you may not know the meaning of; It may be that the DNS server is
unavailable or the Windows Troubleshooter has diagnosed your Internet problem that
the DNS server unavailable error.
If your answer is yes, then I think this article is of interest to you.
In this article, we will learn the most effective ways to solve the
issue of the DNS server error not responding.
First, we need to know some necessary details about DNS.
What is DNS Server?
It is an acronym for (Domain Name System), a system that stores
information about names in a database distributed on the Internet.
The DNS associates information and addresses with the names of the
associated domains.
The importance of DNS is the ease of access to any site.
You can enter and save any site by typing the site's name, but sometimes
it is difficult for you to remember the site address.
Here you can take advantage of the DNS as it provides easy handling of
network addresses and communication.
How to fix DNS server unavailable error?
Suppose you encounter an Internet problem, and you are sure that the
problem is that the DNS server is not responding.
In that case, you must first
unplug the router for a few minutes and turn it back on again, and you may see
that the problem is solved with this effortless procedure.
Sometimes it requires other different methods from you, but it is not
You will discover it for yourself.
Here are the most effective ways to solve DNS Server unavailable error:
Clear DNS Cache and Reset IP
You usually use the Windows operating system for a long time to
encounter an Internet connection problem and to search for a solution to the
DNS Server unavailable error.
Whatever the problem, you can get rid of it in an easy way by clearing
the storage and resetting the IP.
You can do this by:
- Open a cmd command prompt.
- Then type the command ipconfig /flushdns.
- Then click on the Enter button.
- Reset IP.
This step is significant when a DNS server-related problem occurs; after
the processing is finished, you will notice that the DNS cache is cleared.
Other steps you should do to fix the DNS server unavailable error:
Use a known DNS
In the event that the previous method did not work for you in solving
the problem of DNS not responding, I think that this method will be the best
for you from my point of view, which is to use a known and public DNS, such as
Google, it is considered the best of them then
The way to change the DNS is as follows:
- Enter the Control Panel.
- Then choose Network and Internet.
- Select Network and Sharing Center.
- Then Change Adapter Settings.
- Select local area connection.
- Select Properties.
- Then double click on the left diamond button on Internet Protocol Version four.
- Then add the DNS numbers.
Disable anti-virus software
If you have changed the DNS as we explained in the previous steps and
the DNS server is also still not responding, I think this time we have to
disable the anti-virus temporarily from your device.
If you notice that your DNS Server issue is resolved after you've done
this step, I think it's time for you to change your usual anti-virus software
with one that doesn't conflict with your DNS and doesn't crash isn't a
third-party one.
The app will help you to fix the DNS server unavailable error
I suggest you download Windows Defender, one of the excellent anti-virus
software offered by Microsoft for PC, and it provides integrated protection
against viruses, spyware, and malicious files.
It will solve
your DNS server unavailable error.
Disable any other secondary connection
One of the ways to solve the DNS not responding problem is to disable
any other secondary connection available on your computer; all you have to do is
as follows:
- Click on the Start menu.
- Select Network Connections.
- After that, select your connection type in the left pane.
- Select Change adapter options.
Then click on the other connection you want to disable, and select
Do a factory reset of the router
Although this method is one of the most effective ways to fix the DNS
server unavailable error, it is the last method that the user resorts to after
all the previous methods failed to solve the Internet problem.
All you have to do: First, connect the router directly to the computer
using a cable, then connect the landline phone cable to the router.
Then follow these steps with me:
- Go to your computer's Internet browser and type (the router's default IP), and it will ask you for the password and username of the router.
- Type in the username admin.
- In the password, also type admin; in case the password has changed and is not accepted, consult the service provider.
- After entering the router settings successfully, enter the data efficiently, and then you will notice that the Internet is working fine.
- If you perform all the steps we mentioned earlier, you will be able to solve the DNS server unavailable error.